Where can I find Paramount Flooring Products?
Paramount Flooring has a distribution area of the following states: Illinois, Indiana (Northwestern Counties), Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Ohio (Toledo area only). If you live within our area of distribution and would like a list of retailers in your area that can provide samples, products and/or pricing. Please use our Dealer Locator to find a Paramount Flooring dealer near you.
How do I clean and maintain my Paramount Flooring?
To learn more about the maintenance of your Paramount Flooring, please see our Maintenance & Care page. There you can find detailed instructions on how to best maintain and clean your Paramount Flooring. With all Paramount Flooring products, steam cleaners are never to be used.
I have a claim, where do I start?
All claims with Paramount Flooring need to be filed where the flooring was originally purchased.
Where does all your hardwood come from?
There is no one answer, we source product from all over the globe. Paramount Flooring confirms with each manufacturing partner both quality and environmental compliance of all porcelain tile, solid hardwood, engineered hardwood and laminate flooring. We have assurances from each and every partner that supplies material for Paramount Flooring that we are 100% CARB, CARB II and Lacey Act compliant on all products. Learn More.
What is the difference between oaks?
You are searching for the perfect floor to best express you. You know you want a hardwood floor, be it solid or engineered but you keep seeing that there are different types of Oak wood. Red Oak, White Oak, European Oak, American Oak; what's the difference? You'd be surprised that each Oak type has individual characteristics compared to its counterpart and shines in its own light. Learn More.
I am Canadian and I believe I bought you product, where do I go for help?
We currently do not have distribution into Canada, nor have we had distribution into Canada in the past. If you have purchased Paramount Flooring through a Big Box retailer; that product is not from our company or anyone affiliated with out company. Your flooring is most likely a product from a company out of Montreal called Quickstyle. If you would like more information, you can contact Quickstyle here.